The product is estimated to be packaged in 1 box and weigh approximately 1 lb. It originates from the United States.
The product's estimated size is 1 box - 1 lb. It is produced in the United States.
This product is estimated to come in 1 box weighing approximately 1 lb. The country of origin is the United States.
The estimated size of the product is 1 box - 1 lb, and it is produced in the United States.
The product is estimated to be contained in 1 box and weigh 1 lb. Its country of origin is the United States.
This product is estimated to be packaged in 1 box and have a weight of 1 lb. It is manufactured in the United States.
The estimated product size is 1 box - 1 lb, and it is of United States origin.
The product is estimated to be 1 box - 1 lb in size, and it is sourced from the United States.
Regarding the product's size, it is estimated to be 1 box - 1 lb. The country of origin is the United States.
The estimated size of the product is 1 box - 1 lb, and it is produced in the United States.
product information:
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